SoundStart: Prosodic development before birth and in the first three years of life

Publications and Talks

Peer-reviewed journal articles

Yang, A., Cho, T., Kim, S., and Chen, A. (2024). Prosodic focus marking in Seoul Korean-speaking children: The use of prosodic phrasing. Frontiers in Psychology.

Destruel, E., Lalande, L, and Chen, A. (2024). The Development of Prosodic Focus Marking in French. Frontiers in Psychology, 15.

Chen, A., and Narasimhan, B. (2022). A proposal for research on the acquisition of prosodic focus marking in diverse languages: A response to Kidd and Garcia (2022). First Language, 42(6), 745–750. https://doi-org/10.1177/01427237221106415

Chapters in books (peer-reviewed *)

Narasimhan, B., O’Shannessy, C. and Chen, A. (submitted). First language acquisition. Invited contribution to the Routledge Handbook of Linguistics.

Conference papers (peer-reviewed *)

*Ganga, R., Geutjes, J., van Niekerk, E., Reshetnikova, V. and Chen, A. (2024). Processing prosodic boundaries in Dutch coordinated constructions. Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2024.


Geutjes, J., Benders, M., Junge, C., Tataranno M.L. & Chen, A. (2024) Processing of prosodic phrase boundaries by preterm newborns’, AsPredicted #198015

van Niekerk, E., Junge, C., & Chen, A. (2024). Role of innate mechanisms in the acquisition of prosodic form-meaning mappings. #169759 | AsPredicted 

van Niekerk, E. A., Boumeester, M., Junge, C., & Chen, A. (2023). The influence of prenatal language exposure on the melody of newborn vocalisations: A systematic review.

Symposia/workshops/conferences (co-) organised by Soundstart

SoundStart Symposium on Multimodality in Communication and Language Development, at Utrecht University, 12 June, 2024.

The SoundStart team co-organised the symposium ‘Understanding infants’ speech processing: The role of input and development in neural oscillation and prosodic phrasing across languages’, at International Congress on Infant Studies 2024, Glasgow, 9-11 July, 2024.

The SoundStart team (Chen, A; E; Geutjes; van Niekerk, J; Reshetnikova, V) organised the first Sound Start Symposium on Early Prosodic Development, at Academiegebouw Utrecht, 15 december 2023.

Invited talks and lectures

Chen, A. (2024) “Prosodic focus marking: Advances, methodolo

gical challenges, and future directions’. Invited commentary. The 19th Conference on Laboratory Phonology, Seoul, 27-29 June, 2024.

Chen, A. (2024) “From sound to structure: Infants’ perception of prosodic boundaries in speech”. MPI colloquium, Nijmegen, 16 April, 2024.

Chen, A. (2023) “Research on early language development: A different animal?” Talk at the 1st Researchers’ Workshop of the AI and Animal Welfare Lab, Utrecht Science Park, 30 October,

Chen, A. (2022) “Acquisition of prosodic focus marking: A cross-linguistic model”. ‘Integrated Language Science and Technology’ Seminar Series. University of Pennsylvania, 4 March, 2022 (Virtual).

Conference presentations

Leliveld, I., Geutjes, J., June, C., and Chen, A. (2024). Comparing IDS and ADS in production of intonational phrase boundaries. Talk at the Symposium ‘Understanding infants’ speech processing: The role of input and development in neural oscillation and prosodic phrasing across languages’, at International Congress on Infant Studies 2024, Glasgow, 9-11 July, 2024.

Reshetnikova, V., Hessels, R., and Chen, A. (2024). Is prosodic phrasing gestured to infants? . Talk at the Symposium ‘Understanding infants’ speech processing: The role of input and development in neural oscillation and prosodic phrasing across languages’, at International Congress on Infant Studies 2024, Glasgow, 9-11 July, 2024.

Geutjes, J., Ganga, R., van Niekerk, E., Reshetnikova, V. and Chen, A. (2024). Processing of prosodic phrasing in adult speakers of Dutch. Talk at the Symposium ‘Understanding infants’ speech processing: The role of input and development in neural oscillation and prosodic phrasing across languages’, at International Congress on Infant Studies 2024, Glasgow, 9-11 July, 2024.

Ganga, R., Wijnen, F., and Chen, A. (2024). Processing of prosodic phrasing in six-month-old Dutch-learning infants. Talk at the Symposium ‘Understanding infants’ speech processing: The role of input and development in neural oscillation and prosodic phrasing across languages’, at International Congress on Infant Studies 2024, Glasgow, 9-11 July, 2024.

Van Niekerk, E., June, C., and Chen, A. (2024). The Influence of prenatal language exposure on the melody of infant vocalisations: A systematic review. Poster presentation at International Congress on Infant Studies 2024, Glasgow, 9-11 July, 2024.

Van Niekerk, E., June, C., and Chen, A. (2024).The role of pitch contour shape in expressing social purpose in infant babbling. Poster presentation at International Congress on Infant Studies 2024, Glasgow, 9-11 July, 2024.

Smorenburg, L., Thorson, J., Chen, A., and Hinzen, W. (2024). Prosodic characteristics of non-verbal vocalisations by non- or minimally verbal children and adolescents with autism: a cross-linguistic perspective. Talk at SP2024 satellite workshop ‘Beyond words: Exploring prosody in non-verbal vocalisations across diverse groups’, Leiden, 6 July, 2024.

van Niekerk, E., Junge, C., and Chen, A. (2024) The role of pitch in expressing social purpose in infant babbling. Talk at SP2024 satellite workshop ‘Beyond words: Exploring prosody in non-verbal vocalisations across diverse groups’, Leiden, 6 July, 2024.

Ganga, R., Geutjes, J., van Niekerk, E., Reshetnikova, V. and Chen, A. (2024). Processing prosodic boundaries in Dutch coordinated constructions. Talk at Speech Prosody 2024, Leiden, the Netherlands, 2-5 July, 2024

van Niekerk, E. A., Junge, C., & Chen, A. (2023). Role of innate mechanisms in the acquisition of prosodic form-meaning mappings. Taalontwikkeling Kinderen in Nederland en Vlaanderen, Utrecht, Netherlands, November 10, 2023.

van Niekerk, E., Junge, C., and Chen, A. (2023). The role of pitch contour shape in expressing social purpose in infant babbling, Talk at The Many Paths to Language conference, Nijmegen, the Netherlands, 25-26 October, 2023.

Leliveld, I., Geutjes, J., Junge, C., and Chen, A. (2023). Comparing the prosody of IDS and ADS: How do ADS and IDS differ in their marking of intonational phrase boundaries? Poster presentation. The Many Paths to Language conference, Nijmegen, the Netherlands, 25-26 October, 2023.

Reshetnikova, V., Hessels, R. and Chen, A. (2023). Combining manual and automated gesture annotation. Poster presentation. The Gesture and Speech in interaction conference, Nijmegen, the Netherlands, 14 September, 2023.

Geutjes, J., Junge, C., and Chen, A. (2023). Production of prosodic phrase boundaries in Dutch. Phonetics and Phonology in Europe 2023, Nijmegen, 2-4 June, 2023.

Reshetnikova, V., Hessels, R. and Chen, A. (2023). Variation in infant-directed gestural input related to prosodic phrasing. Talk at the 1st International Multimodal Communication Symposium, Barcelona, Spain, 28 April 2023.