SoundStart: Prosodic development before birth and in the first three years of life


ICIS symposium 2024

The International Congress of Infant Studies (ICIS) is a not-for-profit professional organization devoted to the promotion and dissemination of research on the development of infants through its official journal and a biennial conference where researchers and practitioners gather and discuss the latest research and theory in infant development. Our SoundStart team attended ICIS and participated…

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The 030-Lab is a core-facility in the Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital (WKZ) where researchers from all disciplines in the UMC Utrecht, Utrecht University and the Princess Máxima Center work closely together. At the 030-Labday, researchers were able to present a poster to the children of the WKZ. The children could then see what kind of research…

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The Melody and Meaning of Baby Talk – Participate in our study!

*This study is currently not taking on new participants* What is this study about?  We focus on how infants learn to use the melody of their voice (or intonation) to communicate with their caregivers during the period where they are not yet able to say words. Infants can change their intonation patterns to communicate different…

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1st Sound Start Symposium

With great pride we look back at the succes of the first ever organised Sound Start Symposium on the 12th of December 2023. This symposium aimed to provide a comprehensive overview of the research focus, advancements, and future prospects of the SoundStart project. It also offered insights into the methodologies embraced within the SoundStart project…

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Talk and poster at MPaL 2023

On the 25th of October 2023, Iris Leliveld, RMA student, presented her work entitled Comparing the prosody of IDS and ADS: How do ADS and IDS differ in their marking of intonational phrase boundaries? during the poster session at the Many Paths to Language conference in Nijmegen (Netherlands).         Next day, Elanie…

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Poster at GESPIN 2023

On the 14th of September 2023, Victoria Reshetnikova, Gesture To Sound PhD candidate, presented her work on combining manual and automated gesture annotation at the Gesture and Speech in interaction conference in Nijmegen (Netherlands).

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